A guided, systematic approach

The Good Days Program is made up of three consecutive phases. Each phase builds towards figuring out your migraine triggers, taking the guesswork out of identifying your sensitivities.

One step at a time

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Build a buffer

Phase 1 - 10 days

During the initial phase, we focus on your current lifestyle and the chemicals in your diet. We’ll build a routine focused on seven main habits to maximise the efforts of the program.

We’ll work on controlling dehydration, hunger, sleep disruption, tension in the neck and jaw, and stress - common complaints of migraine sufferers.

Learn more about lifestyle triggers >

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Eliminate known triggers

Phase 2 - 20 days

We start eliminating and identifying chemicals that are known migraine triggers from your diet and lifestyle.

Once you start feeling a significant increase in your number of Good Days (days without an attack), and decrease in the severity of your migraine, we move on to the third and final phase.

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Reintroduce foods

Phase 3 - 3 to 6 months

In this final leg, we start testing for sensitivity by adding food chemicals back one at a time. This regulated method allows us to identify which chemicals you react to.

We start to understand what chemicals and foods to control for and which are safe.

Learn more about food triggers >

We’re making migraine management easier.

We’re equipping you with tools and resources to smoothen the journey to more migraine-free days. With direct access to an expert team, you’ll understand your migraine better, find dedicated support and see improved outcomes.

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